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God tells Abraham to live in Canaan

God sends Abram to Canaan as the father of a great nation.
Contributed by Andrea Rau
Story also available on our translated websites: Polish, German, French
Abram and his wife Sarai lived in the city of Ur. They had been married a long time. – Slide 1
One day God told Abram to leave his country and travel to the land of Canaan. God promised Abram that not only would he have a son but his offspring would grow to become a great nation that would bring blessing to everyone. – Slide 2
Abram obeyed and began packing at once for the long trip ahead. – Slide 3
Sarai packed for the journey too. Could it be true that she would have a son and over time their family would grow and grow? Abraham was 75 years old and she was getting old too. – Slide 4
Abram and Sarai said goodbye to all the friends they were leaving and then set off on the long journey to Canaan. – Slide 5
Abraham’s nephew, Lot, came with them. It was a long trip and they stopped for a while in a city called Harran before setting off again. – Slide 6
After a long time Abram arrived in the land of Canaan. When he got there God told him, ‘This is the land I am going to give to your children and their children.’ – Slide 7
Abram built an altar by a great tree at a place called Shechem. He worshipped God and thanked Him for His promise to bless his family. – Slide 8
After a while Abram and Sarai packed up and moved on to the hills near Bethel. – Slide 9
Abram built another altar to worship God. He prayed to God there too. – Slide 10
Abraham and Sarai settled down to live in the new land God had promised to give them and their offspring. But they still had no children of their own. Would God keep His promise? They would have to trust that He would. – Slide 11
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