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On the road to Emmaus

Jesus appears to two disciples walking to Emmaus.
Contributed by Lambsongs
Story also available on our translated websites: Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, German, French, Hindi
The Bible tells us what happened after the tomb where Jesus was buried was found to be empty. – Slide 1
Two friends were walking home along the road to Emmaus feeling sad. While they had been in Jerusalem Jesus had died on the cross. – Slide 2
The men and their friends had thought that Jesus was God’s promised Son. Now some of Jesus’ friends had said that Jesus had risen from the dead! – Slide 3
While they were talking, a stranger began to walk with them. ‘Why are you so sad?’ he asked. ‘All these things are written in the Bible.’ – Slide 4
The stranger told them how everything that had happened to Jesus was part of God’s plan. His words gave them hope. – Slide 5
When they got to their house they invited the stranger in for a meal. He took the bread, broke it and thanked God that Jesus had died for them. – Slide 6
Then the stranger disappeared! Jesus had broken the bread, thanking God like that! And they knew they had seen Jesus! He was alive! – Slide 7
They ran straight back to Jerusalem to tell all Jesus’ friends they had seen Jesus, and everything he had told them that was written about Him in the Bible. – Slide 8
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