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Jesus growing up

Jesus loves God and obeys Mary and Joseph.
Contributed by Lambsongs
Story also available on our translated websites: Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, German, French, Hindi
Jesus was born as a baby and grew up just like you and me. – Slide 1
God said in the Bible He would send his own Son to earth. – Slide 2
People watched and waited and when it was the right time Jesus was born in Bethlehem. – Slide 3
God put Jesus in a family. He gave him a mother called Mary and a father called Joseph, to look after him. At Christmas time we remember Jesus’ birthday. – Slide 4
Jesus grew and became strong. He loved God and He loved Mary and Joseph and obeyed them. Joseph was a carpenter and Jesus helped him. The Bible says Jesus was very wise. – Slide 5
When Jesus grew up He began to teach people. He found 12 helpers, sometimes called ‘disciples’. Jesus made sick people better. He told stories about God. – Slide 6
Little children came to see Jesus. They loved to hear His stories about God. He was so kind and He was fun. Jesus said, ‘Everyone should love me like these children do!’ – Slide 7
God put you in a family. He wants you to grow up to know Him and to love Him too. Jesus loves you! – Slide 8
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