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The Word in pictures

Free sets of Bible story images for teaching

Over 1500 sets of Bible story scenes for you to view, project or download.

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Find your story

Search, or filter, by Name, Book, Character, or Theme. Explore images and contributors using the menu.

Downloading image sets

Downloading image sets

Click the download button and choose whether you want PowerPoint, PDF, Keynote or JPEG files of the set.

Agree terms of free use

Agree terms of free use

To ensure ethical use of our images we ask you to agree the terms of free use. The files will then start to download.

Story Planner

Story Planner

Plan your teaching using the Story Planner PDF showing the images and captions in various translations.

Latest releases

Paul - Part 5 - Malta
Paul - Part 5 - Malta
Paul - Part 5 - Malta
Paul - Part 5 - Malta
Daniel episode 5: In the lions' den
Daniel episode 5: In the lions' den
Herod's Temple - inside the Holy Place
Herod's Temple - inside the Holy Place
Paul - Part 5 - Malta
Paul - Part 5 - Malta
Daniel episode 5: In the lions' den
Daniel episode 5: In the lions' den
Herod's Temple - inside the Holy Place
Herod's Temple - inside the Holy Place
Revelation Chapter Three
Revelation Chapter Three
Jesus feeds 5,000
Jesus feeds 5,000

But is it really free?

Yes! We want to help those teaching the Bible in all nations of the world in this visual age. All pictures are free for use in teaching and non-commercial streaming. We provide the pictures and you tell the story, with the Bible as your reference source. Conditions about the reuse of the images in new projects vary with each contributor. Those who donate to this project help share these resources around the world as a gift.

FreeBibleimages is a registered Christian charity in the United Kingdom with no denominational or commercial affiliation.

For free


Over 1100 story sets
Over 960 story sets
Simplified Chinese
Simplified Chinese
Over 410 story sets
Over 250 story sets
Over 900 story sets
Over 220 story sets
Over 790 story sets
Over 1400 story sets
Over 960 story sets

Please contact us if you would like to volunteer to translate our free story planners using our online translation portal. We are currently planning to create a site in French. If you would like to champion a website in your language please contact us.

Marian van der Kruijt, The Netherlands

I design interfaces for computer software but I also like to draw Bible pictures to teach children in my church. I have been able to contribute images to this project so other teachers around the world can use them.

Marian van der Kruijt, The Netherlands