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Bible Maps - Samuel and King Saul

Maps of the era of Samuel and Saul.
The Ark of the Covenant in the Promised Land <br/>The Ark of the Covenant was first assembled at Mount Sinai and carried to each destination along the Israelites’ wilderness travels. On entering the Promised land it was set up at Bethel then later moved further north to Shiloh (Joshua 18; Judges 18:31) Much later the Israelites carried the Ark into battle against the Philistines near Aphek but the it was captured. The Philistines eventually placed the Ark on a cart and sent it to the Beth-shemesh (1 Samuel 6). Then Israelites from Kiriath-jearim came and transported the Ark to their town, where the Ark remained for 20 years (1 Samuel 6:19-7:2). – Slide 1
The Ark of the Covenant Is Captured and Returned.  <br/>After the Ark of the Covenant was taken into battle and captured by the Philistines it was carried to Ashdod and placed in the temple of Dagon. While the Ark was there, the Lord destroyed the idol of Dagon and afflicted the people with tumors, so they sent the Ark to Gath. Again the Lord afflicted the people of Gath with tumors, so they sent the Ark to Ekron, where the same thing happened again. After seven months with the Ark, the Philistines returned it to town of Beth-shemesh. The Israelites came took the Ark to Kiriath-jearim, where it stayed for twenty years. – Slide 2
Towns where Saul held court. – Slide 3
Saul Searches for His Donkeys. <br/>The journey of Saul to find his lost donkeys and his meeting with Samuel. After Saul prophesies at the High Place of Gibeah, Samuel assembles all the Israelites at Mizpah to select Saul as the new king. – Slide 4
Kingdom of Saul <br/>The twelve tribes of Israel united under King Saul in order to be more like the nations around them (1 Samuel 8). Saul was effective in fighting Israel’s nearby enemies, such as the Philistines and the Ammonites (1 Samuel 11; 13-14). Over time, however, Saul proved unfaithful to the Lord (1 Samuel 15), so the Lord chose a young man named David to replace him (1 Samuel 16). – Slide 5
Saul Rescues Jabesh-Gilead <br/>A man named Nahash the Ammonite had besieged the Israelite town of Jabesh-gilead, and before he would grant them a treaty, he required that he gouge out the right eye of every person in the town. When Saul heard what was happening, the Spirit of God came upon him powerfully, and he cut up his oxen and sent pieces throughout Israel as a threat to anyone who did not join him to rescue Jabesh-Gilead.  Saul mustered Israel’s forces at Bezek and rescued the people of Jabesh-Gilead the next day. – Slide 6
Philistines Advance into the Central Hill Country. <br/>The Philistines’ advance into the central hill country of Israel was the likely reason so many Israelites demanded a king to rule over them near the end of Samuel’s life (1 Samuel 8, 13). Samuel instructed Saul to wait seven days for him to come and offer a sacrifice to call for God’s blessing on the troops, but Samuel was delayed. This led some of Saul’s men to desert, and Saul grew desperate and offered the sacrifice himself. The background was set for the heroic actions of Jonathan, who bravely scaled the nearby cliffs with his armour-bearer and attacked the Philistines and inspired Saul’s forces to drive the Philistines from the central hill country. – Slide 7
The Battle at Michmash. <br/>During the reign of Saul, a detachment of Philistines pushed far into the interior of Israel and occupied the strategic pass at Michmash. After a while Jonathan led his armour bearer in an attack on a Philistine output near Michmash by scaling the nearby cliffs of Bozez and Seneh, and the two of them killed twenty Philistines. The rest of the Philistine army was thrown into complete panic, drawing the attention of Saul at Geba who pursued them beyond Beth-Aven. – Slide 8
David Flees from Saul - Map 1 <br/>1) After David defeated Goliath and came to serve Saul at the royal court in Gibeah, Saul grew jealous of David’s success and eventually sought to kill him (1 Samuel 16-18),  <br/>2) David fled to the prophet Samuel at Ramah (1 Samuel 19).  <br/>3) Later David returned to Gibeah, and Jonathan warned him that Saul was determined to kill him (1 Samuel 20),  <br/>4) David fled to the priestly town of Nob (1 Samuel 21:1-9).  <br/>5) David then sought asylum in Gath and pretended to be insane to avoid suspicion from the king of Gath (1 Samuel 21:10-15).  <br/>6) David later left Gath and lived in a cave at Adullam. There many family members and discontented people joined his small army (1 Samuel 22:1-2).  <br/>7) Then David took his parents to Moab, where he placed them in the care of the king of Moab (1 Samuel 22:3-4).  <br/>8) After this David stayed for a while in The Stronghold, which may have been the fortress of Masada (1 Samuel 22:4) – Slide 9
David Flees from Saul - Map 2 <br/>9) The Lord told David to go to the Forest of Hereth, and the priest Abiathar eventually joined him there (1 Samuel 22 4:5).  <br/>10) The Lord told David to rescue the town of Keilah (1 Samuel 23:1-12).  <br/>11) Later David stayed in various strongholds in the Wilderness of Ziph (1 Samuel 23:13-23). <br/>12) While he was in the Wilderness of Maon, David narrowly escaped capture by Saul (1 Samuel 23:24-28; see also 1 Samuel 26:1-4),  <br/>13) David moved to the strongholds of En-gedi, where he spared Saul’s life (1 Samuel 23:29-24:22; see also 1 Samuel 26:5-25).  <br/>14) David went back to The Stronghold (1 Samuel 24:23) 15), then to the Wilderness of Maon, where he married a woman named Abigail (1 Samuel 25:1-44). Eventually David returned to Gath (1 Samuel 27). – Slide 10
Battle at Mount Gilboa. <br/>The Philistines mustered their forces and advanced to Shunem in the Jezreel Valley. The Israelites assembled their forces nearby at Jezreel. During the battle, the Israelites began to retreat up the slopes of Mount Gilboa. There Saul and his sons were killed, and the Philistines took their bodies to Beth-shan and hung them on the wall of the city. The people of Jabesh-gilead marched through the night to recover the bodies and Saul and his sons (1 Samuel 11). – Slide 11
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