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Herod's Temple - South wall

Bible overview
Entrances into Herod's temple from the south.
Contributed by Bible Scenes
Story also available on our translated websites: Spanish, German
This is the south-east corner of the Temple. Some think this is the high pinnacle of the Temple that Satan tempted Jesus to jump from (Matthew 4:5). This corner has some of the largest stones, some weighing up to 80 tons. – Slide 1
The South wall was more than 275m (900ft) long and 46m (150ft) high. Beneath the pavements around the temple was a complex water and sewage system that collected water needed for ritual bathing and the performance of sacrifices. – Slide 2
There were two entrances to the temple in the South wall known as the Huldah gates (most probably named after a prophetess living in Jerusalem in the time of King Josiah). One had a Triple Gate entrance and the other a Double Gate entrance. – Slide 3
The Triple Gate had a narrow approach and many conclude it was less used by pilgrims and more by the Priestly order who needed access to the underground storerooms. – Slide 4
Priests entering the Triple Gate could access a large storeroom on the right, which was later named as ‘Solomon’s Stables’ by the Crusaders. This underground vault was supported by 88 pillars divided into twelve rows of galleries. It was located in the south-east corner of the temple and 500 square metres (600 square yards) in area. – Slide 5
The Triple gate also gave access to the Temple platform. – Slide 6
A flight of steps led up to the Temple mount. – Slide 7
Those entering by the Triple or Double Gates went up a stairway leading to the platform in front of the Royal Stoa. – Slide 8
The exit from the Triple gate exit gave access ahead to the Chamber of Hewn Stone on the south side of the Sanctuary where the Sanhedrin used to assemble. – Slide 9
In-between the Triple and Double gates in the South wall were two buildings. – Slide 10
The building on the right was a public building whose purpose is unknown. – Slide 11
The building on the left contained ritual baths for cleansing. – Slide 12
A wide flight of steps 32m (105ft) wide led to the Double Gate and stairway. – Slide 13
It is thought that people entered the Temple via the right gate which was adjacent to the ritual bath house and exited by the left gate. – Slide 14
This view of the Double Gate is looking back out towards to south. The ceiling inside the double gate had decorated spherical domes. – Slide 15
Some think that these decorations led to this gate being called ‘The Beautiful gate’ (outside of which a lame man was begging when Peter and John went to the Temple – Acts 3:2). – Slide 16
Those entering the double Gate went through a columned area before ascending stone steps. – Slide 17
These steps led up to the Temple Mount to the Court of Gentiles. – Slide 18
The exit from the Double gate to the Temple Mount was in front of the colonnade known as the Royal Stoa. This colonnade had four rows of Corinthian columns of white marble – a total of 162 columns. The ceilings were of carved wood. – Slide 19
It was in this area around the Royal Stoa that money changers and those who sold animal sacrifices had their stalls. <br/>From the exit of the double gate pilgrims could walk forward through this columned wall in the Court of the Gentiles towards the low Soreg barrier that only Jews could pass through. <br/>Once through the Soreg barrier there were steps to the rampart surrounding the consecrated area known as the ‘hel’ on which the Sanctuary was built. – Slide 20
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