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The armour of God

Paul teaches about protection in spiritual battles.
Story also available on our translated website: German
There are so many troubles in the world. There are so many fears and temptations that play on our minds. So how does the Christian deal with this?  <br/>When Paul wrote to the Christians in Ephesus who were were living in the Roman empire with many Roman soldiers. So, Paul talked about the armour of a Roman soldier to show them how they needed to protect themselves in the spiritual battles they faced. – Slide 1
Paul said, ‘Wear the full armour of God. Wear God’s armour so that you can fight against the devil’s evil tricks. Our fight is not against people on earth. We are fighting against the rulers and authorities and the powers of this world’s darkness. We are fighting against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly world. That is why you need to get God’s full armour. Then on the day of evil you will be able to stand strong. And when you have finished the whole fight, you will still be standing.’ – Slide 2
So, stand strong, with the belt of truth tied around your waist. – Slide 3
And on your chest wear the protection of right living. – Slide 4
And on your feet wear the Good News of peace to help you stand strong. – Slide 5
And also use the shield of faith. With that you can stop all the burning arrows of the Evil One. – Slide 6
Accept God’s salvation to be your helmet. – Slide 7
And take the sword of the Spirit—that sword is the teaching of God. – Slide 8
Pray in the Spirit at all times. Pray with all kinds of prayers, and ask for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready. Never give up. Always pray for all God’s people. – Slide 9
Paul said, ‘Also pray for me. Pray that when I speak, God will give me words so that I can tell the secret truth of the Good News without fear. I have the work of speaking that Good News. I am doing that now, here in prison. Pray that when I preach the Good News I will speak without fear, as I should.’ – Slide 10
With God’s armour we can have victory over fears and temptations. Always speaking the truth, doing what is right and telling others about the good news of Jesus. Reading God’s Word and obeying it to strengthen our faith. Trusting in God to save us. <br/>Always talking to God in prayer about our needs and the needs of others. And never giving up! – Slide 11
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