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Daniel episode 4: King Nebuchadnezzar's madness

Pride leads to the downfall of King Nebuchadnezzar.
Contributed by David & Goliath (DG)
Story also available on our translated website: German
Daniel, who served and obeyed God, was in Babylon working for the mighty King Nebuchadnezzar. God had already helped Daniel to understand and explain the meaning of a very puzzling dream of the King. – Slide 1
While living in peace and happiness in his palace with all his great riches, King Nebuchadnezzar had another dream. It was a terrifying dream. – Slide 2
As soon as he woke up, Nebuchadnezzar ordered, ‘Bring all the wise men of Babylon before me at once. I want to find out the meaning of my dream.’ Then the magicians and all the wise men came before him. King Nebuchadnezzar told them his dream. – Slide 3
The wise men listened but they had nothing to say as they could not understand the dream. The King was angry and sent them all out of the room. – Slide 4
Then Daniel, (who the King called Belteshazzar) appeared. Nebuchadnezzar said, ‘I know you have the Spirit of the Holy God in you and no mystery is too difficult for you.’ – Slide 5
‘Daniel, in my dream I saw a very tall tree standing in the middle of the earth. The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky. It could be seen from anywhere on earth. Its leaves were beautiful and it was full of good fruit to feed everyone. Under its branches animals found shelter and shade. The birds of the sky made their nests in its branches. Everyone around the earth came to eat the fruit of the tree.’ – Slide 6
‘But suddenly a holy angel appeared and commanded, 'Cut down the tree and its branches. Strip off all its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the animals run away and the birds fly away. Leave only its stump and roots in the ground. Put a metal band around it and let it stay in the field for seven years. It will be watered by the rain of heaven and everyone will know there is a God in heaven who rules over everything. He gives power to whoever He wants and chooses people who are not proud to rule them.’ – Slide 7
‘That was my dream Daniel. Now please explain it to me.’ God explained the meaning of the dream to Daniel but he was afraid to tell the King. King Nebuchadnezzar ordered Daniel to tell him the meaning. – Slide 8
Daniel summoned courage and said, ‘The mighty tree that you saw growing large and seen from all over the world was you King Nebuchadnezzar. You have become a great ruler and your power reaches the far parts of the earth. The command to cut the tree down means you will lose your kingdom for seven years.’ – Slide 9
‘During that time you will be taken away and live among the wild animals. You will eat grass like an ox. Rain from the sky will soak you. But when you realise that the Most High God rules over the earth and gives power to whoever He wants, you will return to live among people again. And you will be given back your kingdom again.’  <br/>Daniel was aware of God's goodness and gave this advice to the King. ‘Stop sinning and do what is right. Be kind to poor people. Have mercy on the hopeless. Then perhaps your days of happiness will continue.’ – Slide 10
However, the king did not listen to Daniel’s advice. A year passed and Nebuchadnezzar had almost forgotten about his scary dream. He trusted even more in his power. He was proud of his wonderful palace, the famous capitol city of  Babylon and his great empire. – Slide 11
One day, while walking on the roof of the royal palace, King Nebuchadnezzar boasted to himself. ‘Is Babylon not the greatest Kingdom - built by my power and wealth for my glory?’ – Slide 12
Before he could finish the phrase, he heard a voice from heaven saying, ‘This is what is commanded about you King Nebuchadnezzar. Your Kingdom has been taken away from you. You will go to live with the wild animals. You will eat grass like an ox. Seven years will pass until you realise that the Most High God rules over the kingdoms of men and He gives power to whoever He wants.’ – Slide 13
King Nebuchadnezzar immediately lost his mind and began to behave like a wild animal. People were afraid of him. So, they took him out of the city. – Slide 14
The king lived out in the fields and ate grass like an ox. – Slide 15
His hair and nails grew so long that he looked more like an animal than a human being. It all happened as the dream had predicted. – Slide 16
After the seven years had passed, God restored King Nebuchadnezzar's mind. He lifted his eyes to heaven and thanked God saying, ‘Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt and glorify the King of Heaven because all His ways are right and fair. And He humbles those who are proud.’ – Slide 17
When the people saw that God had restored King Nebuchadnezzar they welcomed him back at the palace and made him king again. – Slide 18
They served him with the same loyalty as before and from then on King Nebuchadnezzar believed in the One True God. – Slide 19
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