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An Angel visits Mary

An angel tells Mary she is to give birth to God's Son.
Story also available on our translated websites: Spanish, Polish, German, Hindi
In the village of Nazareth was a young woman named Mary. – Slide 1
She was a good and faithful person who loved and obeyed God. One day she got the surprise of her life. – Slide 2
The angel Gabriel appeared to her and said, ‘Don’t be afraid! The Lord is with you! You will give birth to a baby Boy and you are to name Him Jesus. He will be great and be called the Son of the Most High God. The Lord God will make Him King as his ancestor David, the shepherd was king. He will rule the people of Israel forever and His Kingdom will never end!’<br/>Mary was alarmed, ‘How can this happen?’ she asked. ‘I am not married.’ – Slide 3
‘The angel replied, ‘The Holy Spirit will come down on you and God’s power will be over you.’ – Slide 4
‘So your child will be holy and called the Son of God.’ – Slide 5
Mary understood she was about to become part of God’s great plan. ‘I am the Lord’s servant,’ she told the angel, ‘And I am willing to do whatever God wants. May everything you said come true.’ – Slide 6
Some time later, Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth who was expecting a baby boy who would grow up to become John the Baptist. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and exclaimed loudly: ‘You’re so blessed among women Mary, and the baby in your womb is also blessed! And why am I so blessed that the mother of my Lord visits me?’ – Slide 7
Mary then burst into song. ‘My soul glorifies the Lord. From now on all generations will call me blessed. My heart sings with thanks for my Lord. And my spirit is happy in God, the One who saves from the punishment of sin. The Lord has looked on me, His servant-girl and from now on all people will honour me. God has done great things for me. His name is holy. The loving-kindness of the Lord is given to all who honour Him. – Slide 8
‘God has performed mighty deeds. He has brought down rulers from their thrones. He has lifted up the humble. He has filled those who are hungry with good things. He has sent the rich away with nothing. He has helped His servant Israel with loving-kindness. He promised He would do this to our early fathers and to Abraham and his family forever.’<br/>Meanwhile, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream telling him to marry Mary and look after her child. Joseph obeyed and took Mary as his wife. – Slide 9
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