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Saul on the road to Damascus

Saul (Paul) becomes a Christian.
Contributed by Ewurakua Ghansah
Story also available on our translated website: German
In Jerusalem Saul was trying to frighten the followers of Jesus by saying he would kill them. So he went to the high priest and asked him to write letters to the synagogues in the city of Damascus. – Slide 1
Saul wanted the high priest to give him the authority to find people in Damascus who were followers of Christ’s Way. If he found any there he would arrest them and bring them back to Jerusa-lem. – Slide 2
So Saul went to Damascus. As he came near the city, a bright light from heaven suddenly flashed around him. Saul fell to the ground. He heard a voice saying to him, ‘Saul, Saul! Why are you doing things against me?’ – Slide 3
Saul asked, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ <br/>The voice answered, ‘I am Jesus. I am the One you are trying to hurt. Get up now and go into the city. Someone there will tell you what you must do.’ – Slide 4
Saul got up from the ground. He opened his eyes, but he could not see. So the men with Saul took his hand and led him into Damascus. – Slide 5
For three days Saul could not see, and he did not eat or drink. – Slide 6
There was a follower of Jesus in Damascus named Ananias. The Lord spoke to Ananias in a vi-sion, ‘Ananias!’ <br/>Ananias answered, ‘Here I am, Lord.’ <br/>The Lord said to him, ‘Get up and go to the street called Straight Street. Find the house of Judas.  Ask for a man named Saul from the city of Tarsus. He is there now, praying. Saul has seen a vision. In it a man named Ananias comes to him and lays his hands on him. Then he sees again.’ – Slide 7
Ananias answered, ‘Lord, many people have told me about this man and the terrible things he did to your people in Jerusalem. Now he has come here to Damascus. The leading priests have given him the power to arrest everyone who worships you.’ <br/>But the Lord said to Ananias, ‘Go! I have chosen Saul for an important work. He must tell about me to non-Jews, to kings, and to the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.’ <br/>So Ananias went to the house of Judas. – Slide 8
Ananias laid his hands on Saul and said, ‘Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus sent me. He is the one you saw on the road on your way here. He sent me so that you can see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.’  Immediately, something that looked like fish scales fell from Saul’s eyes. He was able to see again! Then Saul got up and was baptised. After eating some food, his strength returned. – Slide 9
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