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Paul had been falsely accused and, although innocent, had been in prison for several years. As he was a Roman citizen, Paul pleaded to be judged by the Emperor Nero in Rome. So, around 59 BC, the Roman authorities put Paul on a long voyage across the Mediterranean Sea from Israel to Italy. A Roman officer named Julius was responsible for guarding Paul. – Slide 1
They arrived at a sheltered port on the island of Crete called ‘Fair Havens’. God told Paul to warn the 276 travellers who were with him in the boat, that if they did not stay sheltered in the harbour during the winter months, there was a great risk of storms, shipwreck and lost lives. – Slide 2
The ship's owner and pilot wanted to sail to the next port of Pheonix. 'What's happening?' the passengers asked. The majority wanted to ignore Pauls's warning and continue on. – Slide 3
The ship’s captain agreed. 'Yes! Absolutely, and the wind is perfect!’ – Slide 4
‘Unleash and hoist the sails!’ – Slide 5
The passengers were pleased. ‘Hooray for our captain.’ – Slide 6
The sailors hoisted the sails and the ship headed out to sea towards Phoenix. – Slide 7
Everyone enjoyed the weather and was very happy to be part of such wonderful sailing. – Slide 8
Paul prayed to God for His help and that all the people would be saved. – Slide 9
Suddenly, a very strong wind from the north-east caused a storm and blew the ship off course. The waves were big and powerful! – Slide 10
Everyone got very scared … – Slide 11
… and had a hard time holding on. – Slide 12
People got seasick and vomited and thought they were going to die. – Slide 13
Paul shouted to all the 276 travellers: ‘An angel from God came to me this night and said, "Don’t be afraid Paul, for you will stand before the emperor Nero! God in His goodness has granted safety to everyone sailing with you. Take courage! We will be shipwrecked on an island."’ – Slide 14
‘God will rescue us all. The ship will be wrecked but we shall be saved. I have faith in God that it will happen just as He told me.’ All the travellers became very glad! – Slide 15
No one had eaten for 14 days. Paul took a loaf of bread, thanked God and ate. He then told everyone to eat so that they would get new strength. When they saw Paul eating, they all took courage and ate. – Slide 16
The ship was driven towards an island and into a bay. No one knew where they were. Suddenly there was a huge crash! – Slide 17
The bow of the ship stuck fast … – Slide 18
… while the stern was repeatedly smashed by the force of the waves and began to break apart. – Slide 19
Julius shouted that everyone who could swim should jump into the water. Everyone else should try to get hold of something to keep them afloat. – Slide 20
All 276 people aboard ended up in the icy water and tried to get ashore. – Slide 21
Once the survivors had scrambled on to dry land, they were counted.  There were 276 - everyone had been saved just as God promised. – Slide 22
‘Hooray for Paul's God who has saved our lives!’ – Slide 23
They discovered they were on the island of Malta. Some local people came to help them make a fire so that they could warm themselves. Paul gathered branches and twigs. – Slide 24
But among the branches there was a snake that didn’t want to be thrown in the fire. When Paul threw the wood into the fire the snake jumped up and bit Paul's hand. – Slide 25
Paul quickly shook the snake off into the fire! – Slide 26
The Maltese people gasped, knowing Paul's hand would swell and he would soon fall down dead. They muttered, ‘Maybe he is a murderer and the goddess of justice will not let him live.’ – Slide 27
‘How are you?’ they asked. Paul replied he was fine. They watched him carefully and he really was fine. – Slide 28
When Paul did not die the local people thought that he must be a god and came forward to worship him. Paul would never allow anyone to think he was a god. – Slide 29
Instead, he was always keen to share that he believed in the only living God who created heaven and earth and in His Son Jesus Christ. – Slide 30
A rich man in Malta named Publius took care of all the travellers and gave them food and shelter for three days. – Slide 31
Publius’ father was ill with severe fever and diarrhoea, but when Paul prayed for him he was completely healed. – Slide 32
Paul was in Malta for three months. It is not stated in the Bible what Paul did during this time but we can be sure he shared the good news of Jesus and salvation with everyone. – Slide 33
In the spring of the following year, Paul and the Roman officer Julius continued their journey to Rome in another ship. Paul was not afraid but knew that God was with him. God had kept His promise and he would live to tell the evil Roman Emperor Nero about Jesus. – Slide 34
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