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The special (atonement) lamb

Bible overview
The special lamb that died to pay the price of sin.
Contributed by Lambsongs
Story also available on our translated websites: Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, German, French, Hindi
God sent His son Jesus from heaven to earth as a newborn baby. He was tempted to do wrong, exactly as we are, but chose to do what was right and did not sin. – Slide 1
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they were sent out of the garden of Eden and were no longer near Him, because sin separates us from a Holy God. Genesis 3. – Slide 2
God made a law, written in the Old Testament. To be forgiven, people brought their best lamb to sacrifice on the altar. ‘Without the shedding of blood sin is not forgiven.’ Hebrews 9:22 (LB). – Slide 3
Adam and Eve’s sons brought their sin offerings to God’s altar. Abel bought his best lamb, but Cain didn’t obey the law, so God didn’t accept his sacrifice. Genesis 4. – Slide 4
On Passover night, the blood of a lamb was painted above the door. The children of Israel were safe when the Angel of God passed over the house. Exodus 12. – Slide 5
What God really wants is for us to turn away for being disobedient and show love and obedience. Isaiah 1:10-20. God made a new way for us to be forgiven by sending His one and only son Jesus. John 3:16 – Slide 6
John the Baptist kept looking for the Saviour God had promised to send. When he saw Jesus coming he said, ‘Look the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’ John 1:29 – Slide 7
Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sin so we could be forgiven. The Bible says, ‘You were saved by the precious blood of Christ, that spotless and innocent lamb.’ 1 Peter 1:19 (CEV) – Slide 8
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