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David finds Saul in a cave

David refuses to hurt King Saul.
Contributed by Lambsongs
Story also available on our translated websites: Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, German, Hindi
How should you treat people who don’t like you and treat you badly? This story about a jealous King and a forgiving man is found in the Bible in the first book of Samuel. – Slide 1
King Saul was jealous of David. One day he heard where David was hiding, so he took three thousand soldiers and went to catch him. – Slide 2
When David heard the King and his army were coming, he and his soldiers hid in a cave, where they were safe. – Slide 3
But King Saul was very tired and went into the same cave to rest, while his soldiers stood guard outside. David kept very quiet. – Slide 4
But King Saul was very tired and went into the same cave to rest, while his soldiers stood guard outside. David kept very quiet. <br/>When King Saul was fast asleep, David’s men whispered, ‘Here is your chance! Kill your enemy, before he hurts you!’ – Slide 5
But David didn’t want to hurt the King. He just wanted King Saul to stop chasing him. So, he took out his knife and cut a piece of material from the King’s clothes. – Slide 6
When the King left the cave David shouted, ‘King Saul, I could have killed you, while you were sleeping, but I only cut your coat. See how close I was.’ – Slide 7
King Saul knew that David had saved his life and promised not to chase him anymore. David had honoured God’s chosen King. – Slide 8
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