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Jesus is alive - part 1

Women arrive at the tomb to find the stone is rolled back.
Contributed by Lambsongs
Story also available on our translated websites: Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, German, French, Hindi
This is one of the most amazing stories in the world – and it is found in the Bible. – Slide 1
Very early on Sunday morning, three days after Jesus died on the cross, Two of His friends, both called Mary, went to the tomb. – Slide 2
They took special perfumes and spices to wash Jesus with. They were feeling sad. They loved Jesus. – Slide 3
They had seen where Jesus had been put in a tomb, like a cave, and they knew where it was. – Slide 4
But how could they move the big, heavy stone the soldiers had put over the door? – Slide 5
They got a surprise when they got there. The stone had been rolled away and the soldiers had all gone! – Slide 6
They went inside and saw an angel! But where was Jesus? ‘Don't be frightened,’ said the angel. – Slide 7
‘Jesus isn’t here. He is alive! Go and tell everyone the wonderful news.’ The happy women ran off to share the good news that Jesus is alive. – Slide 8
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