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One hundred sheep

A caring shepherd searches for a lost sheep.
Contributed by Lambsongs
Story also available on our translated websites: Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, German, Hindi
In the Bible we find a story that tells us about God’s great love and care for us. – Slide 1
Jesus told a story about a shepherd who had one hundred sheep. He loved his sheep and he kept them safe. – Slide 2
Every day the farmer took his sheep to find new grass to eat. One day, one little lamb went off all by himself. – Slide 3
That night the shepherd counted all of his sheep. There were only ninety nine! One lamb was lost! – Slide 4
The shepherd left his ninety nine sheep and went to find the lamb. He loved his little lamb, just like Jesus loves you! – Slide 5
The shepherd walked a long way, uphill and downhill, looking for the little lamb that was lost. – Slide 6
The lamb was lonely and frightened. ‘Baa, baaa,’ he cried.  He was sorry he hadn’t stayed close to the shepherd, where he would be safe. – Slide 7
The shepherd heard the little lamb. ‘I’m so glad I found you!’ he said. ‘You are my precious lamb.’ Jesus feels like that about you too! – Slide 8
Slide 9