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The wisdom of King Solomon

Solomon asks God for wisdom.
Contributed by MYELLOVE
King David called in his wife Bathsheba and Nathan the prophet. He told Bathsheba, ‘I promised that our son Solomon would be king after me.  <br/>He then told Nathan to get Zadok the priest and a mighty soldier called Benaiah and anoint Solomon as the next King of Israel. – Slide 1
Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet poured olive oil on Solomon to make him king over Israel. They blew trumpets and shouted, ‘Long live King Solomon!’ <br/>All the people followed Solomon into the city. They were playing flutes and shouting for joy. They made so much noise the ground shook. – Slide 2
Solomon showed that he loved the Lord by offering sacrifices. In a dream one night God said, ‘Ask for anything you want Solomon and I will give it to you.’ <br/>Rather than ask God for money or power Solomon replied, ‘I ask that you give me wisdom. Then I can rule the people in the right way. Then I will know the difference between right and wrong.’ <br/>God said, ‘Since you asked for wisdom to make the right decisions, I will give you what you asked. I will give you wisdom and understanding.’ – Slide 3
Soon after two women came to Solomon with a baby. They explained that they both had had babies but during the night one of babies had died. <br/>One woman said, ‘The living baby is my son. The dead baby is hers!’ The other woman said , No, the living baby is mine, the dead baby belongs to this other woman.’ <br/>Solomon thought for a while then sent his servants to get a sword. – Slide 4
When they brought it to him, he said, ‘Cut the living baby into two pieces. Give each woman half of the baby.’ – Slide 5
The real mother of the living child was full of love for her son. She said to the king, “Please, my master, don’t kill him! Give the baby to her! But the other woman said, ‘Neither of us will have him. Cut him into two pieces.’ – Slide 6
Then King Solomon said, ‘Give the baby to the first woman. Don’t kill him. She is the real mother.’ <br/>When the people of Israel heard about King Solomon’s decision, they respected him very much. They saw he had wisdom from God to make the right decisions. – Slide 7
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