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Jacob deceives Isaac

Jacob tricks Isaac into thinking he is Esau.
Contributed by Richard Gunther
Story also available on our translated websites: Spanish, Portuguese, German, French
Isaac had two sons who were twins, Esau and Jacob. Esau had been born first and Jacob a few minutes later. Esau grew up to be a tough wild hunter, something his father admired. Jacob tended to stay at home and became very close to their mother Rebekah. – Slide 1
When Isaac was old, his eyes were not good. He could not see clearly. One day he called his older son Esau to him. – Slide 2
Isaac said, ‘I am old. I don’t know when I might die. So take your bow and arrows, and go hunting in the field. Kill an animal for me to eat. Prepare the tasty food that I love. Bring it to me, and I will eat. Then I will bless you before I die.’ So Esau went out on a long hunting trip. – Slide 3
Rebekah was listening as Isaac said this to Esau and went to warn Jacob. – Slide 4
‘Listen, I heard your father talking to your brother Esau. He asked him to hunt and prepare some tasty food. Then he promised to bless Esau. I have a plan that will get you the blessing instead. – Slide 5
‘Go out and bring me two young goats from our flock. I will prepare a meal the way your father likes and he will think you are Esau and bless you instead. <br/>Jacob protested, ‘My brother Esau is a hairy man and I am smooth skinned. If my father touches me, he will know I am not Esau and curse me for trying to trick him.’ – Slide 6
Rebekah had thought about this problem.  She dressed Jacob in Esau’s clothes. Then she took the skins of the goats and put them on Jacob’s hands and neck. Now he felt hairy to touch. – Slide 7
Jacob went to his father Isaac with the tasty food and the bread Rebekah had made. ‘I am Esau, your first son,’ Jacob lied. <br/>‘I have done what asked. Now sit up and eat some meat I hunted for you. Then bless me.’ <br/>‘How did you find and kill the animal so quickly?’ Jacob asked. <br/>‘The Lord your God led me to find it quickly,’ Jacob lied. – Slide 8
‘Come near so I can touch you,’ Isaac asked. ‘You know my sight is gone, but if I can feel your hands I will know if you are really my son Esau.’ <br/>So, Jacob came near and Isaac held him. ‘Your voice sounds like Jacob’s but your hands are hairy like the hands of Esau.’ – Slide 9
Isaac asked, ‘Are you really my son Esau?’ <br/>Jacob lied again, ‘Yes, I am.’ <br/>So Isaac gave his blessing to Jacob saying, ‘May nations serve you. May peoples bow down to you. May you be master over your brothers. May your mother’s sons bow down to you. May everyone who curses you be cursed. And may everyone who blesses you be blessed. – Slide 10
Just as Jacob left his father Isaac, Esau came in from hunting. – Slide 11
Esau prepared some tasty food and brought it to his father. He said, ‘Father, rise and eat the food that your son killed for you. Then bless me.’ – Slide 12
Isaac asked, ‘Who are you?’ <br/>Esau replied, ‘I am your firstborn son, Esau.’ <br/>Isaac trembled. ‘Then who was it that hunted the animals and brought me food before you came? I ate it, and I blessed him. It is too late now to take back my blessing.’ – Slide 13
Esau immediately let out a loud and bitter cry. ‘Bless me, too, my father!’ he pleaded. <br/>But Isaac said, ‘Your brother came and tricked me. He has taken your blessing. I gave Jacob the power to be master over you. And all his brothers will be his servants. There is nothing left to give you.’ – Slide 14
Esau began to cry out loud. ‘Do you have only one blessing, Father? <br/>Isaac replied, ‘You will live far away from the best land, far from the rain. You will live by using your sword and be a slave to your brother. But when you struggle, you will break free from him.’ – Slide 15
After that Esau hated Jacob because of what he had done. Esau thought to himself, ‘My father will soon die, and I will be sad for him. After that I will kill Jacob.’ – Slide 16
Rebekah heard about Esau’s plan to kill Jacob. So she sent him away to live with her brother Laban in Haran. ‘Stay with Laban until your brother has calmed down, she said. ‘Then I will send a servant to bring you back. I don’t want to lose both of my sons on the same day.’ – Slide 17
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