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In Bethany, there is a supper and Jesus has been invited. Lazarus is one of those reclining at the table with Jesus. – Slide 1
Lazarus’ sister Mary brings in an alabaster vial of very costly perfume. – Slide 2
The perfume is worth a year’s wages. – Slide 3
Mary opens the alabaster vial and anoints the feet of Jesus. The house is filled with the fragrance of the perfume. – Slide 4
She also wipes Jesus’ feet with her hair. – Slide 5
Judas: ‘What a waste! That perfume is worth a fortune. We could have sold it. We could have given the money to the poor.’ – Slide 6
Jesus: ‘Leave her, Judas. ‘You always have the poor with you. Whenever you wish you can do good to them, but you do not always have Me. She has anointed My body beforehand for My burial. Wherever the gospel is preached in the world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her. – Slide 7
Slide 8