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Parable of the sower

A parable about seeds and four soils.
Contributed by LUMO project
Story also available on our translated websites: Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, German, Arabic, Simplified Chinese
Jesus was by Lake Galilee when very large crowds gathered and surrounded Him, eager to hear what He had to say. So Jesus got into a boat moored near the shore while the crowds stood on the water’s edge. Jesus then told them this parable. – Slide 1
A farmer was scattering seed. – Slide 2
Some fell on the path and birds swooped down and ate up the seed. – Slide 3
Some seed fell on rocky soil where it started to grow but could not take root. – Slide 4
When the sun came up it scorched the seed and it withered. – Slide 5
Other seed fell among thorns which grew up and choked the plants so they did not bear grain. – Slide 6
The remaining seed fell on good soil and produced a crop. – Slide 7
Some seeds bore grain that produced 30 times more. – Slide 8
Some seed were 60 times more productive. Some produced 100 times more grain. Jesus told the crowds, ‘Whoever has ears let them hear.’ – Slide 9
Later the disciples asked Jesus, ‘Why do you teach in parables?’ Jesus quoted words Isaiah had written many years before. ‘These people see but do not see, they hear but do not understand. Otherwise they might turn and be forgiven.’ – Slide 10
‘You are blessed because your eyes see and your ears hear,’ Jesus explained. ‘Listen to what the parable of the sower means.’ – Slide 11
The seed the farmer sows is like God’s Word. Some people are like the seed that falls on the path. As soon as they hear what God says, Satan swoops down and takes it away. – Slide 12
Others are like the seed sown in rocky places. They hear what God says with joy but as they have no root, when troubles and persecutions come they quickly fall away. – Slide 13
Some are like the seed sown among thorns. They hear what God says but the worries of life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desire for other things make them unfruitful. – Slide 14
But others are like the seed sown on good soil. They hear God’s word and obey it. – Slide 15
They produce a harvest of good as they live for God ... some 30 times bigger, some 60 times and some 100 times bigger. – Slide 16
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